Michelle is an Emergency Medicine physician living in Nashville with passion for making everyday living costs for her family count towards traveling around the globe. She utilizes credit card points and miles and maximizes the military discounts she and her retired military husband receive.
Her military connections run deep, with husband being retired military and her brother and sister-in-law being active-duty Navy. She always looks forward to visiting her family abroad wherever they may be stationed, and points and miles travel makes it a possibility rather than a dream.
Michelle obtained her first points earning credit card while in medical school. She immediately recognized the benefits one could receive when making the card incentives work towards the bigger picture of heavily discounted travel. Now older and wiser, the mom of two focuses on earning points on everyday purchases and expenses and using them to travel the world with her family.
You can find her on Instagram @doctorpointsandpassports and follow her endeavors around the world with family and friends.